Friday 15 April 2011


I have way too much time on my hands

It's Friday!

It's Friday Friday Gotta get down on Friday!


So tired from the dance last night! it was a lot of fun although. The beginning was really really boring but then we went insane! As you can see in the picture above, Kate went a little nuts.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Blog Mascot!

This is our life

This is my little sister Sarah. The bald guy in the red shirt behind her is my daddy :)

Love your life, its the only one you've got

gorgeous sunset in georgia!

My favorite song in the whole wide world

It's my goal to someday be able to play this!


oh man, we just had a madd presentation at school, saddest thing ever! they showed this video with all these true stories about drinking and driving and everyone was crying. Down right depressing. I hated it! But i guess anything to prevent people from making that mistake will help.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Attack of the Killer Chipmunk

Last night someone told me that I have to share this story on my blog. It's sort of pointless but here goes.

Ever been attacked by a chipmunk? You would think it would be like getting licked by a puppy but no. It's like a tiger trying to eat your arm.

So here's the story.
One day I decided that I would go pick some strawberries at my papa's farm. His two cats normally follow me around everywhere I go, so when only Sir.Tiggermouse Sleepsalot came running out to me, I was concerned about Sunshine so I decided to find her. When I did she was chewing on a chipmunk and Iwas totally grossed out. And being the genious that I am, I thought spraying both the chipmunk and the cat with the hose would totally solve all our problems. Well the cat ran away but the chipmunk came back for revenge. It ran all the way up my leg doing its little sqeaky scream thing. It was going for my throat I swear! But I kicked it and ran away screaming because I'm totally brave. You should all be proud of me.

Anyways there's the story. You're welcome Dan.

My First Post

This post is just for learning how to do this in comm tech. This air conditioner is crazy freezing!
Alysha took this picture of Amanda and I being the crazy cool kids that we are